Do +he Mobile

Delaware's firs+ exhibi+ion "MOBILE GALLERY" was held in 2001 on japanese kei+ai web.
No ma++er where or when, "Kei+ai denwa"(mobile phone) is a casual and +iny gallery in your pocke+.
We like i+!

SMALL is beau+iful.
MOBILE is wonderful.

Mobile phone is +he canvas and +he musical ins+rumen+ for us.

I+ saves and confuses +he program a+ +he same +ime. +hat's why we like +.
I+ saves and confuses +he the graphic design a+ +he same +ime. I+'s really +hrilling.
I+ saves and confuses +he ar+ a+ +he same +ime. +ha+'s why we love i+.
I+ saves and confuses +he music a+ +he same +ime. I+'s very exici+ing.

iPhone/iPodTouchAppli RE<ORDS Hello, +his is Op+ical Designing. Hello, +his is Aya calling.

Hello, +his is Music Playing. +ime Is Honey No.2 Small +ex+ile

I+'s A Small World No.2 Kei+ai Live +ime Is Honey