+oonAr Show :

World Peace

World peace, Krishna dance in +he mosque
World mix, Jesus Chris+ do +he zahzen
Give me love, halleluiah give me love
Oh my God, Nir Virna, Coca Koran, mix and go!

World peace, Buddhis+ play +he si+ar
World mix, Moslim read +he bible
Give me love, halleluiah give me love
Oh my Allah, Allah save +he Queen, hippy hippy shake, mix and go!

World peace rock, gogogo, world peace crazy, funfunfun, world!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Yes+erday, jesus and mohammed prac+iced medi+a+ion in zen buddhism +oge+her in jerusalem."

World peace, hey jude sing +he koran
World mix, Buddha go +o +he church on sunday
Give me love, gimme gimme give me love
Oh my Gosh, Jesus black, Allah whi+e, mix and go!

World peace rock, gogogo, world peace crazy, funfunfun, world mixed rock, gogogo, gogogogo, I wanna mix!
World peace!

video: maholo uchida, imai +oonz.
edi+ and mix: Delaware.

nex+ song "Do +he Homework"
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