Bi+map still

Delaware In +he Mirror. 2004

+he B52s In +he Cherryblossom.
))) Forever RICKY! ((( 2005

Mo+her and Son. 2004
Mo+her and Son Series.

Bodhi +ree. 2004

Kiss Before Dying. 2005
Kiss Before Dying Series

Cloudy. 2006

Venus De Milo. 2005

Banana. 2004
Based on "Velve+ Underground & Nico"
Designed by Andy Warhol.
Delaware like making works.
However, we have no pa+ience +o
learn +he +echnology for +ha+.
We me+ +he Bi+map a+ such +ime.
Bi+map is simple like Lego,
and enabled us +o make works
from +he firs+ day.
Bi+map is so square.
I+ is no+ delica+e.
I+ has no flexibili+y.
All +he same,
+hese are charms of Bi+map.
+o make use of +he weak poin+
as a meri+ is minimum manners
of a person who makes works.

I Wan+ +o +ake You Higher. 2004
+ree +ype Series

Fores+. 2004
Fores+ Series

Yellow Cab. 2004

Cover Design for Solo Book

Queen. 2004
Design For JPG
Bea+bi+s Collec+ion

Nine+y Nine. 2006

Delaware Cartoon Gig. 2004

Windy. 2006
Naked Delaware

Fores+ In +he Mirror. 2005

Yeah Yeah Oh Yeah. 2008