
Ar+oon a+ P.S.1/MoMA.
solo exhibi+ion and live show. Buzz Club, P.S.1/MoMA, New York, July 14-22, 2001.

Bi+map graphics of Delaware using CD plas+ic case is compared wi+h +he na+ural ligh+ which leaks from +hree big windows ins+ead of a frame, and was wrapped in acous+ic flavor in digi+al. XXXXXXX Delaware is a rock band. +he liveshow was performed 12 +imes a+ the exhibi+ion hall. XXXXXXXXXX He is going to unders+and our childish english. She is going +o enjoy our music and graphics besides world standard. We love new york. XXXXXXX '+ime ou+' wro+e +he +hing of Delaware as follows; "Drawing on a digi+al nos+algia for +he +o+ally ou+moded, +hey crea+e a compu+a+ional pro+opunk. ......in +heir accen+laden rendi+ion of lyrics like "i can'+ cry wi+hou+ rock & roll," Delaware some+imes sounds like +he modern lovers - if +he ins+rumen+s for Jona+han Richman's band had been +onka +oys +ossed down a s+aircases." pleasan+ sensa+ion. XXXXXXX When i+ said, "Delaware is influenced of Ramones", New Yorker was half-laughing. Why? XXXXXXX I+ is no+ +he Ar+ which is called Ar+ any longer. Art is in wha+ is no+ called Ar+.